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Qualified employees develop and manufacture precision measuring instruments for the world market

Werth, a global company with a highly motivated team with over 400 employees manufactures highly accurate coordinate measuring machines with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems from our global headquarter located in Giessen, Germany a region with a long tradition in the precision mechanical-optical industry.

Werth, Inc., the US subsidiary of Werth Messtechnik, is situated in the picturesque town of Old Saybrook, CT. This dynamic company, established in 2003, boasts a rich history and a strong commitment to excellence. Quickly rising as a prominent player in the US metrology industry, Werth Inc offers MultiSensor & CT/X-ray equipment renowned for its unparalleled speed and precision.

Conveniently located close to major airports in New York and Boston, and supported by service engineers strategically stationed throughout the lower 48 States, Werth, Inc. has not only made significant contributions to the local business landscape but has also played an integral role in multiple manufacturing industries, such as aerospace, medical device, automotive, plastics and electronics. The company's dedication to excellence is reflected in its rapid, and impressive growth.

Who we are

Leading in coordinate metrology with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems

Coordinate measuring machines are used to measure geometrical characteristics of workpieces such as lengths, angles, diameters or even complex position tolerances. Machines with several sensors, e.g., image processing, laser and probe, are called multi-sensor coordinate measuring machines.

Werth concentrates on the development, manufacture and sale of coordinate measuring machines with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems as well as the measurement of micro-features. The company's global technology leadership in these market segments is reflected in a number of world firsts and patents on instrument technology and sensors. The achievable accuracy of Werth machines can be in the range of a few micrometers or, in the case of highly accurate systems, even in the range of a few 10 nanometers, making Werth the world leader in multi-sensor coordinate measuring machines.

Comprehensive services to support users in the application of the machines complement the field of activity and create a high level of customer satisfaction. The quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and the DAkkS laboratory for the calibration of coordinate measuring machines according to DIN ISO 17025 guarantee the reliability and accuracy of the machines. In 2003, Werth pioneered the development of accreditation procedures for laboratories with multi-sensor coordinate measuring machines together with the PTB. In July 2013, the DAkkS laboratory of Werth Messtechnik GmbH was also the first facility of its kind to be accredited for the calibration of coordinate measuring machines with X-ray tomography sensors.

More than 10,000 Werth coordinate measuring machines are installed worldwide in a wide variety of industries. Examples of application fields for these machines are: Aerospace industry, automotive industry, electronics industry, jewelry manufacturing, watch industry, tool making, plastic injection molding, medical technology, turbine construction as well as aluminum and plastic extrusion.

Who we are - Leading in coordinate metrology with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems
Customer orientation and long-term corporate development are the most important goals for Werth

Customer orientation and long-term corporate development are the most important goals for Werth

The experience gained from over 70 years of company history forms the basis of our success. The focus is on a long-term strategy for the constant new and further development of technically leading products. Quality, innovation and good service are the way to achieve optimal solutions for our customers' metrology tasks and a high level of user satisfaction. For decades, this has led to increasing demand worldwide for Werth and to above-average, mostly double-digit growth rates.

Our success story is based on a well-trained and motivated team

The successful implementation of Werth's corporate strategy is ensured by a highly motivated team of over 400 employees, globally. Almost all of them have at least a skilled worker's training and more than 50% have a technician's or university degree. The above-average professional qualifications and flat hierarchies lead to high efficiency. Well-organized processes and team decisions help to find the right way. Werth offers regular training or further education measures and support for academic education. Despite the rapid growth of the company, a large number of employees have several decades of corporate experience at Werth. Due to the close cooperation with the universities in the region and the numerous apprenticeships, many young people are also part of the team.

to the job advertisements

Our success story is based on a well-trained and motivated team
Innovation, trust and tradition form a unity

Innovation, trust and tradition form a unity

Werth is a family business whose shareholders focus on long-term corporate growth. Accordingly, the company's earnings are predominantly used for the development of new products, investments and the expansion of corporate structures. Partnership-based and long-term relationships with customers and suppliers serve the benefit of both sides. Diverse cooperation with universities, colleges and institutes complement our own development work and provide new ideas. By participating in national and international committees such as DIN, VDI and ISO, the employees of Werth contribute their know-how to professional standardization in the department of coordinate metrology.

The company headquarters are located in Giessen, in a scenically and culturally attractive region with a long tradition in the precision mechanical-optical industry. Konrad Röntgen, the discoverer of X-Rays and Nobel Prize winner, also spent several years as a professor at the university in Giessen and found his final resting place there in the Old Cemetery. Today, the Justus Liebig University and the THM University of applied sciences in Central Hesse provide us with qualified young talent and the excellent medium-sized supplier structure in the region makes it possible to design manufacturing processes and supply chains efficiently. With sales and service centers in all major industrialized countries, Werth supplies high-tech products "Made in Germany" worldwide, on the foundation of a long tradition.

"Leading in coordinate metrology with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems"

Summer party
Summer party
Christmas party
Christmas party
Motivation training Zermatt
Motivation training Zermatt
Our history

Experience from over 70 years of company history forms the basis of our success

Over 70 years of company history are characterized by innovative new developments in the field of coordinate metrology with optics, probe, computed tomography and multi-sensor systems. The first profile projector in console design set standards in terms of ergonomics and precision as early as 1955. In the 1960s to 1980s, measuring projectors with the Werth Tastauge and digital displacement measuring systems were further developed into optical CNC coordinate measuring machines. In 1987, Werth Messtechnik introduced the first multisensor coordinate measuring machine with image processing and integrated laser distance sensor under the name Inspector®. With the introduction of the VideoCheck® product line in the 1990s, Werth once again pioneered the introduction of digital image processing into industrial coordinate metrology. In 2005, the TomoScope® was introduced, the first machine with computed tomography developed specifically for coordinate metrology. Today, X-ray computed tomography and various optical and tactile-optical as well as conventional tactile-electrical sensors, some of which are patented, are used for multisensor coordinate measuring machines. The range of devices extends from measuring machines for production monitoring to highly accurate multisensor coordinate measuring machines with measurement errors of just a few tens of nanometers.


Foundation of Werth Messtechnik Schweiz GmbH

Werth Messtechnik Schweiz GmbH was founded to expand sales and service activities in the Swiss market. The new company headquarters are located in Gersau.


The multi-sensor CFZ combines a telecentric 10x zoom optic with a powerful distance sensor in a single beam path (patented).

2020 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensoren&uid=16" class="link">Werth Chromatic Focus Zoom CFZ</a>

High-performance sensors make it possible to dispense with mechanical device axes and create a cost-effective machine with X-ray computed tomography for production-related and production-integrated use.

2020 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® XS FOV</a>

The advantages of the TomoScope® XS, short measuring time, high resolution and low operating costs, are also available for larger workpieces with a small device size.

2019 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® XS Plus</a>

The Werth TomoScope® FQ machines have a greatly increased measuring speed and a new evaluation concept, making them suitable for integration into production lines.

2019 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link"> Werth TomoScope® FQ</a>

Opening of new logistics center

A new logistics center is put into operation to meet the increased shipping requirements for the high-precision TomoScope®, VideoCheck® and ScopeCheck® measuring machines. The space thus gained is urgently needed for the production of TomoScope® XS machines.

2018 - Opening of new logistics center

With two or three separate sensor axes, the multi-sensor systems can now be used even more flexibly. Mutual restrictions when using the sensors are a thing of the past.

2018 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=1" class="link">Werth ScopeCheck® FB</a>

Foundation of Werth Messtechnik Austria

The founding of Werth Messtechnik Austria is an important step towards further optimizing customer support. The subsidiary takes care of all matters relating to sales, service and applications. Today, Werth Messtechnik Austria has a demonstration center in Vienna.

2017 - Foundation of Werth Messtechnik Austria

This compact and inexpensive TomoScope® offers the advantages of proven technology in XS format. The X-ray tube in monoblock design with transmission target combines approximately five times faster measurement compared to conventional systems with low maintenance costs.

2017 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® XS</a>

New training, demonstration and office building

The number of employees, which has risen to around 300, and the continuously increasing turnover are taken into account by a further new building. All offices and machine assembly halls are now also air-conditioned.

2015 - New training, demonstration and office building

Raster scanning HD

During the movement of the device axes, many images of the measuring object are captured and combined into a large overall image with the highest resolution (patent). The ToleranceFit® software can then be used, for example, to compare the entire object with the CAD or to determine the geometrical characteristics.

2015 - Raster scanning HD

Foundation of Werth Italia S.r.l.

Werth Italia S.r.l., conveniently located in the south of Milan, now provides direct support and service for the Italian market. The team at the location is a competent contact for all questions relating to Werth products and services.

2014 - Foundation of Werth Italia S.r.l.

The probe head with Werth Multisensor System WMS40 allows the combination of several tactile and optical sensor principles.

2014 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_zubehoer&uid=10" class="link">Werth Multisensor System</a>

The Werth 3D Patch focus variation sensor enables measurements of surface topography with high point density.

2013 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensorengruppe&uid=1" class="link">Werth 3D Patch</a>

First DAkkS calibration laboratory for coordinate measuring machines with CT

The DAkkS laboratory (German Accreditation Body) of Werth Messtechnik GmbH is the first and, until 2018, only facility of its kind to be accredited for the calibration of coordinate measuring machines with X-ray tomography sensors.

2013 - First DAkkS calibration laboratory for coordinate measuring machines with CT

New building for training, demonstration and office rooms

Due to the increasing number of employees and turnover, another extension is required.

2012 - New building for training, demonstration and office rooms

Foundation of Werth Metrology Ltd.

Werth Metrology Ltd. is founded with headquarters in Rugby. In 2018, the company opens a new demonstration center in Derby, north-east of Birmingham. Werth Metrology offers consultancy and services for all Werth products.

2012 - Foundation of Werth Metrology Ltd.

The X-ray tubes of the largest Werth coordinate measuring machine with computed tomography have a maximum tube voltage of 450 kV.

2012 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® XL NC</a>

Foundation of Werth Magyarorszag Kft.

In Hungary, Werth Magyarorszag Kft. is founded in cooperation with Tamas Csontos for the sale and service of Werth machines. Mr. Csontos had previously gained many years of experience as a product manager in dealing with Werth multisensor coordinate measuring machines.


Establishment of a representative office in Shanghai

The representative office is followed by the founding of Werth Metrology Shanghai Co. Ltd. in 2013, which offers the steadily growing number of Chinese customers demonstration and support services on location. The new headquarters of Suzhou Werth Metrology Ltd. has been located in the Nanopolis high-tech park in Suzhou since 2015.

2010 - Establishment of a representative office in Shanghai

Foundation of Werth Tool MT GmbH

Werth Messtechnik GmbH and mt microtool GmbH merge their activities in tool metrology to form Werth Tool MT GmbH. As a specialist in the measurement of cutting tools, Werth now offers users the perfect combination of highly accurate and universal device technology paired with over 25 years of experience in the field of tool measurement.

2009 - Foundation of Werth Tool MT GmbH

New training, demonstration and office facilities

The number of employees has risen to over 200 and turnover has increased many times over.

2008 - New training, demonstration and office facilities

The 3D version of the proven micro-probe is realized by a combination of laser distance and image processing sensor with the fiber probe principle.

2008 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensoren&uid=9" class="link">Werth Fiber Probe® WFP 3D</a>

The TomoScope® L is a successful compromise between high X-ray voltage up to 240 kV and small device dimensions.

2008 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® L</a>

The computed tomography coordinate metrology system with the highest resolution and accuracy is now also available for large and difficult-to-transmit parts.

2007 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® XL</a>

The machine uses ScopeCheck® technology with an integrated rotary axis for vertical pick-up and measurement of rotationally symmetrical parts.

2006 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=4" class="link">Werth ScopeCheck® V</a>

The letters UA stand for "Ultra Accuracy" and describe the aim of the device concept. The multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine with 1 nanometer resolution, high temperature stability and many other special technical features is still the most accurate commercial multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine thanks to ongoing further development.

2006 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=2" class="link">Werth VideoCheck® UA</a>

The world's first machine with X-ray computed tomography (CT) specially developed for coordinate measuring technology can be optionally equipped with multi-sensor systems (patent). Werth thus lays the foundation for a new branch of coordinate metrology. By combining components and methods from conventional coordinate measuring technology, CT technology makes it possible for the first time to measure 3D workpieces quickly and completely (inside and outside) with high accuracy.

2005 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=3" class="link">Werth TomoScope® S</a>

The Werth Laser Probe is integrated into the Werth Zoom (patent).

2004 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensorengruppe&uid=2" class="link">Werth Laser Probe</a>

The Werth multi-sensor systems are supplemented by the tactile-optical Werth Contour Probe (patented) for standard-compliant roughness measurements in any orientation.

2004 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensorengruppe&uid=2" class="link">Werth Contour Probe</a>

First DKD calibration laboratory for multisensor coordinate measuring machines

The first German DKD calibration laboratory accredited according to ISO 17025 (Deutscher Kalibrierdienst – today DAkkS laboratory) for optical and multisensor coordinate measuring machines is located at Werth.


Foundation of Werth Inc.

The sales and service center for the USA is opened in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Several regional service centers are established in the USA by 2020.

2003 - Foundation of Werth Inc.

The 2D scanner for the precise measurement of 2D workpieces (patented) is based on coordinate metrology components. The design of the optical beam path allows fast measurement without focusing, as with the traditional desk projector (in the image a larger version of the prototype at the time).

2002 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=1" class="link">Werth FlatScope</a>

WinWerth® AutoFeature

Intelligent algorithms in the software automatically recognize the geometric elements to be measured, a milestone in simple operation (patented).

2001 - WinWerth® AutoFeature

The unique incident light illumination (patented) in combination with the Werth Zoom allows a particularly high-contrast image of workpieces. Reliable measurement results even under difficult conditions are the benefit.

2001 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_zubehoer&uid=7" class="link">MultiRing®</a>

The ToleranceFit® software for automatic contour comparison is extended by a new patented function for automatic gauging using the tolerance zones.

1999 - <a href="t3://page?uid=131" class="link">ToleranceFit®</a>

For the first time in optical coordinate metrology, both magnification and working distance can be set automatically. The patented Werth zoom optics creates a flexible solution for optical measuring tasks and is still a special feature of Werth today.

1999 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_zubehoer&uid=3" class="link">Werth Zoom</a>

The world's fastest multisensor coordinate measuring machine for highly accurate tool measurement is also based on linear drives, image processing and Werth Fiber Probe®.

1998 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=4" class="link">Werth Inspector® V</a>

Together with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the smallest and for many applications most accurate micro-probe for coordinate measuring machines is developed (patent) and forms the basis for Werth's special competence also in the measurement of micro-geometries. The modern Werth Fiber Probe® is probably the most widely used micro-probe in the world.

1998 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensoren&uid=5" class="link">Werth Fiber Probe® WFP</a>

The first representative of the successful ScopeCheck® series (in the image the modern successor) is tailored to the requirements of production-related metrology. Robust mechanical guideways and the powerful Werth sensors offer reliable measurement results.

1998 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=1" class="link">Werth ScopeCheck®</a>

Demonstration center

The opening of the new demonstration and training center adapts the capacity to the increased variety of devices and number of demonstrations and training courses for customers.

1997 - Demonstration center

WinWerth®-integrated offline programming, at that time still based on 2D CAD data, allows program creation before production of the first workpieces with the same software as teach-in on the measuring machine. With the WinWerth® CAD-Online® function, the measuring machines can be controlled directly with CAD data for the first time.

1996 - <a href="t3://page?uid=131" class="link">CAD-Offline®</a> and <a href="t3://page?uid=131" class="link">CAD-Online® in WinWerth®</a>

Linear drives and OnTheFly technology make the world's fastest coordinate measuring machine possible (in the image, the modern successor to the prototype at the time).

1996 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraete&uid=17" class="link">Werth Inspector® FQ</a>

Foundation of Werth Messtechnik France SARL

Werth Messtechnik France SARL is founded as the first company abroad. The company is based in the south of Paris and coordinates sales and service activities.

1995 - Foundation of Werth Messtechnik France SARL

The Werth Laser Probe integrated into the image processing beam path enables fast and accurate surface scanning for contour and flatness measurements.

1995 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_sensorengruppe&uid=1" class="link">Werth Laser Probe</a>

Werth Messtechnik GmbH

During the economic crisis of 1992/93, the company's then head of development, Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralf Christoph, took over the majority of the shares and continued to run the company under the traditional name of Werth with 40 employees at the beginning.


The compact coordinate measuring machine with PC-based image processing and the Windows operating system with graphically interactive operation is groundbreaking for the industry (here the modern successor to the prototype at the time). Multi-sensor coordinate metrology becomes affordable and easier to use.

1992 - <a href="t3://record?identifier=werthcontent_geraetegruppe&uid=2" class="link">Werth VideoCheck® IP</a>


The software for automatic contour comparison in conjunction with optical contour scanning creates the modern successor to the profile projector.

1990 - BestFit

Werth Inspector®

The first multisensor coordinate measuring machine is equipped with a laser distance sensor integrated into a telecentric two-stage zoom for image processing. The fully automatic three-dimensional measurement of workpieces is now possible with optical sensors.

1987 - Werth Inspector®

Creating programs with CAD data

The 2D CAD software HP ME10 forms the basis for the offline programming of measuring projectors with the optoelectronic sensor Werth Tastauge. The programs are transferred to the control code of the machines with the help of a post-processor.


Death of company founder Dr.-Ing Siegfried Werth

Due to serious illness, Dr. Werth sells the company to the Giessen-based Schunk Group. The new name of the company is now Schunk-Werth Messtechnik GmbH.


Werth Optimus® CC

The first CNC projector enables the fully automatic optical measurement of workpieces with micrometer accuracy.

1980 - Werth Optimus® CC

Werth Tastauge

The first optoelectronic fiber sensor for edge detection for measuring projectors, which allows automatic measurement of workpiece edges

1977 - Werth Tastauge

New company location in Giessen

The company relocates to Giessen, a region with a long tradition in precision mechanics and optics manufacturing.

1958 - New company location in Giessen

Werth Record E

The Record E is the first Werth profile projector for comparing workpieces with design drawings. The console design makes it easier to operate than conventional models.

1954 - Werth Record E

Siegfried Werth Apparatus and Machines

Shortly after the Second World War, mechanical engineer Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth founds a company in Düsseldorf for the development and manufacture of measuring machines. The first products are geared towards applications in the wire industry.

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